Saturday, October 20, 2012

2: Do you really know yourself?

What does it mean to truly know yourself? Does it mean that you know what you like and do not like? Do you know how far you can push yourself or what you can and cannot handle? I believe that in order for someone to truly know themselves they must know the Lord and who they are in Him. They have to find their self worth and their identity in Christ.
Thomas Merton once said, "There is only one problem on which all my existence, my peace, and my happiness depend. To discover myself in discovering God. If I find Him I will find myself and if I find my true self I will find Him." No one knows you better than God, he created you. To know yourself like He knows you can be a very difficult thing. In order to do that you have to really figure out who Christ is. God created man in his image and our ultimate goal is to be like Him. We must find who we are in Him and be completely satisfied with that. 
Another thing that will help you truly know yourself is if you are self aware. Some people are more self-aware than others. Being self-aware is a good thing. It can help you better understand yourself and how you can be in different surrounding or situations. I would like to think that I have a pretty high level of self awareness. I know when it is appropriate to be loud and crazy and when you just need to be chill. And that can change depending on the people you are with. It is good to have someone in your life that is there to kind of call you out and make you aware of certain behaviors that you have or may need to change. I know that my mom used to call me out all of the time. She made me be more self-aware.  
There are tools out there to help you be more self-aware and the Meyers-Briggs personality test is one of those tools. I have talked about this personality test before so we know the basics of it. And one again my results are ESFJ or Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging. An extrovert is someone who gets their energy from others. They love to be with people, that definitely is me. Overall someone who has the same results as me is a 'caregiver'. I agree with my results. 

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