Tuesday, October 23, 2012

3: Renewal

Right now in my current leadership role I feel excited! I continually am seeking new opportunities with the ladies on my floor and I just have the energy to keep going (most of the time). It takes a lot to keep yourself energized. You really have to know what brings you down and what you can do to keep that energy level up. You have to be self-aware. In order to stay energized you should know what people expect from you and then you should have resources available to you that you can use to do your work right. You also need someone or multiple people in your life that recognize all of the hard work you are putting in and tell you how great you are doing. You also need someone in your life who truly cares about you as a person and how you are doing. I know that if I did not have people in my life like that I would not make it through the week. In order to stay energized you have to feel like your opinions matter and that you can contribute to your group or team.

An activity that makes me feel renewed is when I am able to get off campus or even off of my floor and just hangout with friends from last year or maybe just by myself and have time to chill and not feel like I have to set the example or anything. I can just relax. I make it a regular habit to go to my friend's apartment every Wednesday for lunch and we just chill and talk or sometimes nap. It is something that I look forward to every week. On the other hand, sometimes I struggle with taking care of my well-being. I love to be around people and I have a hard time saying no. So whenever someone asks me to do something I normally say yes. Sometimes I put that ahead of things like sleep or homework or just me time, which we all need. But I have been getting better at saying no and prioritizing a little better.

Something that you need to watch out for when you are in leadership is being burned out. You are constantly pouring out into people and you are not really taking care of yourself. It can happen when we try and do things on our own and we are "too busy doing things for God instead of spending time with Him." As an extravert I can definitely relate to that. I try to do so much on my own and say that I can do it because God has put me in this position for a reason. But I do not take the time to stop and think that although that is true, he also wants to still have that relationship with me and have me cast all of my cares on Him and fully rely on Him. Anne Jackson said it best, "He wants us to have an abundant life resting in Him…not freaking ourselves out “doing stuff” for him."

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